Residential generators are available in many sizes from 10kw to 150kw and can include one or more automatic transfer switches plus accessories and fueled by Propane or Natural gas are clean and quiet. Can be located adjacent the home, fence line or out of the way behind a garage. Installation is flexible and only determined by your budget.
Homes and cottages up to 2000sqft will be in the 10-20kw. Because of Kohlers exceptional ability to take on 100% step loads you don’t have to worry about oversizing for that one rare high load event each year.
Large Homes, hobby farms, complexes with central metering or pad mount transformers are common for us, they just take a little more effort. Generally 14-60kw covers these sites.
For budgetary sizing and costs a call to one of our experienced sales technicians can sort out some prices and options to meet your needs. As we are a “turn key” provider for the Generator, switch, electrical and gas we can provide a very accurate estimate over the phone. If you like what you hear our next step is a site review to get exact detail and provide a quote.
Let us help guide you to making a great decision upfront. Do overs are expensive.